Check out an excellent homebrew sensor page at

This is compiled from mail messages to the owner of a Mindstorms page.

Related to your input mux, but possibly more useful:  You can use an
8-position joystick (of the on-off variety) and 4 resistors as a sensor.
I used an old (I do mean old) Atari joystick.  It had one common pin, 4
position pins (cardinal compass directions), and a fire button.  As would
be expected, the appropriate pin or pins were connected to common when the
joystick was pushed in a direction or the fire button was pressed.  Note
that this means that diagonals connect two direction pins to common.

You can probably figure out the rest...  Connect a resistor of the
appropriate value to each of the four direction pins, then tie their
ends to one side of a wire plate.  I also connected the fire button
directly.  The common pin from the joystick goes to the other side of the
wire plate.

At the time I was still using Lego's RCX coding software, so I was stuck
with treating it as a light sensor.  However, I had managed to turn that
light sensor input into a 10-position switch:  Joystick in the center
resulted in 0.  Various directions resulted in various predictable values.  
The fire button resulted in a 100.  The only real catch is trying to get
four resistors that will also combine in the correct combinations
(diagonals) to always result in distinct values.

As I noted before, I could probably choose the resistors better now that I
can use raw sensor mode.  These were chosen because they produced distinct
values in light sensor mode.

Top:  66k 10%
Left: 22k 5%
Bot:  33k 5%
Rght: 47k 5%

I literally sat down with a box of assorted resistors and kept trying
combinations until they came out right.  Note that only the diagonals I
used (the ones that make sense on a joystick) will make sense with an
output value: it's not a perfect 'mux'.

These result in the following (light sensor mode) values: (more or less)

  60  43
51      28
  67  53 

0 means no direction, nothing pushed.  I connected the fire button without
a resistor, so 100 indicated that it was pushed.  I actually used the
following ranges.  They seem to work well.

0-15: stop
16-25: forward
26-32: right
33-40: back
41-47: up right
48-51: left
52-56: back right
57-63: up left
64-72: back left
73-100: fire button

If it's too much trouble to build a joystick of switches, why not pick up
an old atari joystick somewhere?  They've gotta be selling pretty cheap.
Mine came with an Atari model 2600.  I don't know exactly how old it is,
but the box it lives in is for a 2.4k modem.  =)

It's interesting how some people are designing sensors to allow robots to
be autonomous, while I'm designing controls so I can tell it where to go.

Jeremy Weatherford